Green Living Tips

-This page is a compilation of links to DIY green posts, articles, and websites. I will frequently update this page so check back to see what has been added.

Useful articles on going green
5 Small changes for your home 

To use plastics or not to use plastics?
What products should you avoid?
The Dirty Dozen in Produce and the clean 15
Guest Post:Teaching Children Hot to Eat Green
Eco Friendly and Safe Toys
The High Cost of Cheap Meat
 “Roundup and birth defects: Is the public being kept in the dark?”
Tips on a Green School Year   Help with understanding organic labels and standards    List of fish least contaminated by mercury   List of additive food offenders   Guide to eating healthy on a budget    Save money on meat    Whole Grain Guide

Healthy recipes
Butternut Squash Mac N Cheese and Kale Chips
Hearty Corn Muffins
Homemade Lentil Curry Soup Gifts
Homemade Cottage Cheese
Healthy Pizza
Healthy Hamburger Pie

Craft Websites:
Here are some great websites I frequent to get ideas.

craft ideas:
Holiday crafts
Crayon craft projects; valentine’s Hearts and Recycled Crayons
Easter Eco-Craft Projects
Bottle Top Art
Re-purposed Jack O lantern craft
Milk Jug Craft
Decorate your pinboard
Milk Jug Whale Craft
Upcycled Puzzle Piece Wreath
Bubble Wrap Tree
Father’s Day hand print gift
Old Cd Dreamcatcher

 Great Green Reads:
Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan
Food Rules by Michael Pollan
The Real Food Revival by Sherri Brooks Vinton and Ann Clark Espuelas
What to Eat by Marion Nestle

Cleaning/house products:
Make your own laundry detergent

Felted Wool Dryer Balls

-use old newspapers to wipe down windows when cleaning.
Baking soda- this a great odor neutralizer and stain remover for tiles, glass, oven doors, baked on food in pans, and cleaning out refrigerators.
Homemade body care products
Natural lip balm
DIY Sunscreen

Cloth Diapering
Good Reads